Strategies are a method of assuring the alignment between your marketing objectives and actions. Good strategies are a way of future-proofing your campaign. Attentively choosing the type of direct marketing is not the only success generator when planning your next campaign. You have to design the best direct mail marketing strategy, and doing so requires comprehending its essential components. 

Develop an effective database of prospects

The base of every communication implies the need for a sender, a channel, a message, and at least one receiver. Delivering a message without establishing your audience first means stealing the purpose of your direct mail marketing strategy. That is why knowing your audience and their needs can save resources and ensure the effectiveness of your actions.

The first step of creating your database is identifying who you want to reach. Create an ideal customer profile or persona and use this to determine what information you need to capture for your database, as HubSpot encourages you. The gathered pieces of information must be relevant to your intent and can vary from contact information to demographics and psychographic data. As long as you access the needed information with respect for your audience’s privacy, you can push forward.

Write a compelling sales message

When designing a sales message for your direct mail marketing strategy, avoid thinking commercially. The concept of selling may induce confusion, but your communication must remain valuable to your audience. A sales team that is inspired and aligned around the graciousness, trust, and noble purpose of making a difference to customers is a force with which to be reckoned, as explained by EY. Enhancing your communication to provide assistance and helpful information is a base for building trust. Salesforce supports this fact and concludes that 78% of B2B buyers seek salespeople who can function as trusted advisors.

Ensure the success of your direct mail marketing strategy with follow-ups

A positive response to your sales message might seem like your job is done, but it doesn’t mean the lead cannot easily slip through your fingers. That is why you need a follow-up. As stated by HubSpot, follow-up emails have the power to convert leads, bring in new business, build strong relationships, and close deals. But to make them eye-catching and relevant, you must establish your objective, provide context, deliver a purpose, and design a strong subject line.

Focus your direct mail marketing strategy on building brand awareness

As effective as your sales message can be, your audience wants to know more about your brand. Don’t shy away from increasing your brand’s exposure through your audience’s preferred communication channels. Brand awareness campaigns focus on transforming your brand into a poignant voice on the market and in your audience’s lives. Accomplishing this goal means enriching your direct mail strategy. Strong brand awareness will drive future sales performance and increase customer loyalty, explains Entrepreneur

At DMBC, we support our Sales efforts by maintaining an influential social presence. We assure our audience of our expertise through worthwhile insights and entertaining communication. We also provide information in various formats, from social media posts, and blog articles to our original branded podcast. Our efforts may vary in terms of subject and channel, but have a thing in common, our desire to aid prospects in achieving all of their business goals.

Don’t stop at generating leads, start nurturing them

Nurtured leads produce, on average, a 20% increase in sales opportunities versus non-nurtured leads, according to a statistic provided by Salesforce. Lead nurturing helps you create a long-term relationship with your prospects. 

Your direct mail marketing strategy should be audience-centric. That implies the collaboration between the Marketing and Sales team to boost the customer experience. As Forbes suggests, you must listen to your leads and be keen to provide immediate valuable solutions. Your content will make a difference. 

DMBC designed an original branded podcast, D-PODCAST, which keeps marketing specialists updated with the newest trends and insights of MarCom. This way, we make sure to leverage our expertise for the greater good of our audience through a cost-free method. 

The best results will be yours if you create an engaging, beneficial experience instead of offering just a sales proposition. How your direct mail marketing strategy looks translates into your later results. As you now know the essential steps, you can only continue to strive for success.