Channel Marketing Manager for 8×8, Robert Burada, is one of the most passionate marketers in love with technology. He is experienced in B2B campaign management and digital marketing, working closely with sales teams and managing third-party agencies to implement multichannel campaigns to generate awareness, conversions, and leads. He is definitely a specialist. But is this all about Robert? We wanted to discover more about his life story, childhood, and first steps in the Marcomm field, and Robert was more than happy to share his amazing journey with us.
Why marketing? Your father was an engineer, and you have a passion for IT. How did this equation result in a marketing specialist?
At that point, it was the shiny new toy in Romania, and everyone was talking about it. By everyone, I mean schoolmates (that was my world then). At that point, everyone thought that marketing = advertising, and more specifically, TV advertising. But that is just the top of the iceberg.
On top of that, two ‘remote’ influences further ignited my curiosity.
Apropo TV – I was attracted by the coolness factor of the show, and it was the only Marketing specialized show in Romania at that point.
Mad Men TV Show – which, at least for the beginning, was idealizing this job.
Do you regret that you did not follow the IT path or that you didn’t go to Polytechnic University?
Not at all. That is just because my passion for IT started to grow during university. The main reason was my entourage, most of them went for IT. Hearing them speaking about their assignments warmed me up in this sector.
Funny story, for my ASE Entrance exam (yes, there used to be an entrance exam at ASE and yes, I am that old) I actually had better grades for Cybernetic Economic than for Marketing, but because marketing was my first choice I was selected there. #noregrets
How did you feel about your first year working in marketing? Did you think that was the most suitable job for you, or did you bear in mind that quitting would be a better option for you at that moment?
Applied marketing was totally different than what I had imagined. As mentioned, my first encounter with marketing was advertising. Then in University you get a lot of theory, mostly around marketing research, but not enough details on different specializations.
So, as you would imagine the shock was pretty big when I was actually supposed to deliver leads and other metrics.
I liked the job, but I was really stressed out about delivering my numbers. I never felt like quitting, I didn’t feel it was an option at that point for many reasons. But what I know for sure is that my then boss had some thoughts about whether she made the right decision (and I don’t blame her).
What would be your biggest flaw, and how you succeed in transforming it into a strength?
Perfectionism and overthinking. At that time, I felt like every line of copy, every event, every email, every campaign needs to be perfect, unique, nothing that anyone else has ever seen.
That’s not true, you flop, you make mistakes, just learn from them, and stop dwelling.
Today for example I am starting to cut words as much as I can in my content and emails. If I can just reply to every email with 2-5 words that would be ideal.
Channel Marketing Manager for 8×8 in London. How has this happened? What convinced you to leave the country?
Like in many cases that LOVE. My girlfriend at that point, (now wife) was offered an IT (connections with IT everywhere) role in Leeds and we decided together to start our UK experience. She accepted the role and 6 months after I quit my job and went to the UK jobless.
The job at 8×8 came just after Leeds. It was that feeling when you see the job, it was just a perfect match. London and back in the IT industry, what is there to refuse?
How has your IT background helped you in your current position at work?
The most valuable component was my experience in the IT channel which is a bit more niched. The job required pretty much what I used to do for my previous company, so I was like a plug and play solution at that point.
What are the best things about the UK and the main differences between the British work environment and the Romanian one?
British work environment is a bit more relaxed. I feel like there’s a less sense of urgency comparing to Romania. It is more focused on planning your activities in advance and knowing and not fiddle too much outside the plan.
Comparing this with the Romanian way of working it feels a bit like the opposite. And indeed, it is. However, I think that in my case, being able to operate outside the plan and adapting on the go is an advantage. There are differences in the mindsets nevertheless, but there are a few of my projects that I think were saved by the ability to fail quick and pivot strategy.
What are your plans? Would you like to return to Romania?
Yes of course, we consider UK just an experience and we still like to consider ending our adventure here and returning to Romania.
There are a mix of personal reasons like friends and family and maybe reversing the two working experiences (like in the previous question) it will help me to differentiate myself in the market by approaching it a bit more relaxed.
Marketing for life? Or do you have other job options in mind for the future?
Yes please! I feel like marketing is something that touches every sector. Even the Government and the Police have social media accounts. So, one way or the other, regardless of any job change, I think my marketing experience will contribute to it.
As for the future, I think that at one point I will venture myself into a more entrepreneurial project because it is something that grows more in me. Of course, I will be thinking at it with my marketing eye ????
If you could change anything in your life, what would you consider?
I would live my life in reverse like Benjamin Button. Seriously, whenever I must go on a list I usually start with the end because that offers me a bit of comfort. I would like to start with the end because I know that there is nothing past that and it helps me make quicker decisions.
THE CREATIVE PART: Let’s complete the sentences:
- I am a trend studier.
- For the future, I genuinely want harmony in chaos.
- I am in love with simple, my daughter (I know it is cheesy but that was my first thought when I read the sentence).
- If tomorrow were the most beautiful day of my life, it would look like…
It would be a family day, where we have a plan, but then decide ad hoc to do something else and we WOULD SIMPLY LOVE THAT. I know it is vague, but I feel like some of the best experiences I have had were not planned.
- The best advice for my child would be to live your own life, do not care what others say and inside power drives outside success.